Live Training w/ Coach Guzzo (7 Days Free)
The first 7 days are free then $49.95/month. This breaks down to less than $2 per class - cheaper than a cup of coffee! Cancel anytime.
In no circumstances shall refunds be granted. If you wish to cancel, it is your responsibility to complete the cancellation process prior to your recurring billing date to avoid unwanted charges.
You will get unlimited access to live training with Coach Guzzo.
BONUS: Access to UNLIMITED training sessions with an Elite Level Personal Trainer. You will get the motivation and modifications as if you're at the gym.
BONUS: FREE 5 Week Fitness Challenges
BONUS: Recorded sessions sent directly to you. Never worry about missing a session, we have you covered.
BONUS: A library of 100+ plus follow along exercises so you will never get bored of the same workouts over and over again.
BONUS: Discounts on supplements to help kickstart your results. (Pre-workouts for the extra push and protein shakes to tone your body)
BONUS: Private Accountability Group & Chat so you will be held accountable to reach your goals.
BONUS: Community Support - you’ll never feel alone
BONUS: Join from anywhere! It doesn't matter where you are in the world, you can still make yourself and your health a priority..
BONUS: Video content educating and showing how to understand nutrition
BONUS: 7 day, detailed, weight loss meal plan sent monthly
BONUS: Video content on how to enjoy your social life (drinks/celebrations) without sabotaging your results.
BONUS: Private Facebook Group so you can stay updated and connect with the community.
BONUS: Live Weekly Group Hangout Call - come out meet the community and ask questions directly to an Elite Level Personal Trainer.